Thursday, August 19, 2010

4th of July 2010

This year for 4th of July we were pretty laid back really. Since the fireworks were on Sunday we went to church of course and did the awesome Sunday naps and then headed to an awesome BBQ and my mom and dads house. Of course i didn't get any pictures but nothing really exciting happened so no matter.
Later that night we of course headed up to the ball fields to stake our claim for the fireworks. We ate tons of junk food and drank way too much caffeine but it was way worth it.....

He was all smiles until the actual fireworks started. Can i just say a total and complete meltdown. It was crazy last year he fell asleep during it and wasn't scared of much then this year that first loud boom sent him shaking and screaming. We ending up go to the smiths parking lot and sitting in the car where we could see it and he couldn't really see or hear it and it went okay. I just thought he was tired and just grumpy. The next day we decided to just do a few our own fireworks we had bought. Everything scared him, even the smoke bombs. I sure hope this is just a weird stage since the 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. Please oh please let it just be a scaredy-cat phase.

The next day was the 4th parade combined with the rodeo parade. Jayden is starting to get into them a bit, wasn't sure about the loud obnoxious firetruck that just wouldn't give it a rest but he did love the licorice and hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa R.

He LOOOOVES gummie worms

and he loves licorice, only red kind though
Can ya tell his cheeks are full of gummie worms :)

Either way it was a fun 4th and laid back and was able to hang out with one of my brothers and his fiance and little girl so it was pretty fun. Jayden seemed to enjoy playing with this future cousin at least
Jayden(19 months) and soon to be cousin Tara (3 years). He's a big kid, she's not much bigger than him really.  Gonna have a big boy on my hands i'm afraid

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