Thursday, November 10, 2011


curse you pinterest!

that is all....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jayden turns 3!

November 7, 2011 Jayden turned 3....say what!!  I couldn't believe how fast it snuck up on me this year. One minute Korwin was born next my little boy turned 3! Wow.   He loved having his special day and loved that daddy came home from work with awesome birthday balloons and made his cake again this year.  I thought the cake turned out way cute and Jayden LOVED it!

typical Jayden Cheesers

One of Jaydens favorite people, uncle Tyler!

Korwin and his typical tongue pose

Jayden is superman!  So he says
Assuming the weather is going to corporate we are taking Jayden to the city and have a special mommy daddy day with him this weekend. We are leaving Korwin with Grandma and Grandpa and gonna let Jayden choose what he wants to do and spend his birthday money and let him choose a special toy.  Gonna try and take him to a cool movie in the awesome theaters out there and hopefully he had a blast.  I'll try to remember to take pictures or at least post something about the awesome weekend.  

Until then, that is all...

Halloween 2011

This year Halloween was actually pretty fun, Jayden understood the concept of saying trick or treat and hey look at that i get candy!  We just did the Ward Trunk or treat and hit the grandparents but it was still super fun.  Jayden chose to be a horse this year and we had Korwin be a puppy, well he only wore his costume for like 10 minutes, long enough for pictures.  Ya see we bought his costume three weeks prior and it was a tad big but we figured perfect, then 2 weeks later we tried it on again and it fit perfect, Halloween night it was too small, we literally had to squeeze him into it.  It made me actually see how much he's grown the past month. Being home all the time i don't 'really see it, but that ill fitting costume sure did.

Ready and Waiting to go Trick or Treating

Typical Korwin picture with his tongue hanging out.

cute boys!

Happy boy, mostly :)
Not a clue what this face is all about but it is Jayden after all....crazy kid

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I just have to say that is absolutely blows my mind that Jayden will be 3 years old tomorrow... seriously when did that happen!

also just have to say 25 more days until NFR!!! Las Vegas here we come! The count down is On!!!!

I'll post halloween and birthday stuff later this week.

That is all... :)