Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jayden's first Christmas

Today was Jayden's first Christmas right...not too exciting seeing that his only 6 1/2 weeks old but none the less he still made out pretty good. Anyways here's a few pictures. Not a whole lot of excitement, but he still was a happy kiddo.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 7th, 2008

Last sunday, on the 7th our little Jayden was blessed. It was rather neat at the fact that he was exactly a month old. Anyways, on that day 2 other babies were being blessed as well, we were all worried that Jayden would start to fuss, or do his new trick of tooting at the wrong moment. Well it all went smoothly, but the last baby, a baby girl, was not having it, could hardly hear the blessing since she was crying. Felt bad for the guy since he felt like he had to rush since the little one was crying. Oh well, we came out smooth like butter and he was awake and just chilling staring at all the people surrounding him. We have a pretty cool baby i like to say.

You can't really get a feel for his whole outfit but it does have a cute little bow-tie at the top. And to think we though the 3month would be big, the pants hardly fit, weren't long enough. and the shirt barely fit over his head. Oh well i guess that means we have a growing boy.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

4 Weeks Old!

Its amazing how quickly time flies by. Yesterday Jayden already hit his 4 week mark. Its amazing how fast he grew and how chunky he got. Its almost how sad how quickly they grow.