Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow did he grow

Jayden just minutes old

One month old
*Lost all my hair on the top

two months
*able to support my head by himself
*Loves floor time

three months
*Rolling over from back to belly
*first signs of teeth

4 months
*Got his first 2 bottom teeth
*can roll over back to belly and belly to back

5 months
*Starting to cut top two teeth
*starting to support upper body

6 months
*Starting to army crawl
*starting to sit by himself

7 months
*My favorite position
*Can sit up really well

Just a funny picture, he would do this allllll the time and spin around in circles.

8 months
*Can pull himself up on things.
*Got 4 more teeth, 2 top 2 bottom

9 months
*I can 'walk' pretty wobbly though

10 months
*Pretty good at walking
*Stand up in the middle of floor.
*Had first haircut

11 months
*Loves to drag everything around
*Loves to babble and follow people everywhere

12 months- 1 Year Old
*Loves to dance when he hears music.
*Has quite the little personality
*Is getting Stubborn

Just wanted to see how much he's grown over the year, definetly lost a lot of chub on his chin area.... Cant wait to see how different he changes over the year.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Jayden

On November 7 ,My little boy finally made it to his 1st birthday, surprisingly, i mean come on look at who the poor things parents are. :)  Its been a fun, rewarding, exhausting, frustrating and fun year.  Watching him grow up has been hard but i'm loving how he's getting a little more independent and doesn't need me 24/7 which is a nice break. He reached all the 'milestones' babies are 'supposedly' reach before their one, but he did it 2 months earlier than most babies.  I'm so lucky...or cursed that he learns so quick.  He has almost all the teeth he'll get for a while, doesn't walk anymore but tries to run everywhere.  Is finally giving up his stubbornness and saying mom and dad, only when it benefits him of course. We made it a whole year without him getting sick once, which then this week poor boy been stuffed up and a slight cough. Which is my fault for even saying anything. but it is what it is. However, can i just say I LOVE that he is turned around face forward in the car now and has been the giving the go ahead on eating whatever he desires.  LOVE IT!!  His picture was in the paper and i thought that was cool, i just gotta remember to keep it.  He went to the doctor and at one year he weighs 24 lbs (which he feels a lot heavier than that) and is 31 1/2 inches tall.  He's growing up and I really am loving it, i'm sad but its just fun to watch him learn new stuff everyday.

He wasn't too sure on the opening presents but he figured it out after a little bit, he kept looking at us like he'd get in trouble for tearing the paper.

Funny little tidbit about the birthday candle. As you can see he wasn't really too sure about the fire since he's always been told not to touch it.  Well he stuck his finger into the cake covering his finger with frosting, and then he proceeded to put the candle out with that same finger.  He was proud of himself and i'm glad it didn't burn him.  It was pretty funny though.  He seemed to love the frosting and wasn't too sure about the cake, all in all though it was just a hoot to watch him.  Since ever few minutes he would just pull his funny face, thinking he was so proud of himself for making a mess and not getting into trouble about it.

I can't wait for the many years to come, they million more messes, hugs, smiles and giggles.  I can't believe its possible to love such a small thing sooo much. He really is the center of our lives and we are truly blessed with our little 'bug'


This year we really weren't going to do much for Halloween since Brandon had to work this year on it. But My parents surprised us with a super cute little dinosaur costume. I thought he'd hate the fact that it had a hood thing but he loved it and never messed with it. It was pretty fun to seem him all dressed up. We didn't go trick or tricking or anything like that but just let him play around with the pumpkin and ate a lot of grandma's and grandpa's candy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

some 10 month pics

Not really sure why he looks so scared. but makes me giggle
Just a smiley boy, sometimes :)
We really are mean to him...but we get laughs.

Zooming along

So it really is as true as can be when they say time flies once you have a kid. This Wednesday Jayden will be 11 months old. Can i just say where in the heck did that time go. He's been walking for over a month now, working on 4 more teeth and is just a non stop ball of fire. Its just amazing that every day is an entirely new experience. He loves to run around the couch and try to 'sneak' up on us., then we sneak up on him he either 'runs' away or hurries and ducks under us and crawl through our legs or arms. He is such a nut. He has gotten two pretty good fat lips and i even gave him his first haircut, defiently something i will have to practice, but at least he doens't pull it out anymore so thats a plus. and as they say the difference between and good and bad hair cut is...2 days. :)

There really isn't much to update in our lives, we live a rather boring life. However we did go out to the state fair a few weekends ago and went to the truck pulls which was pretty fun. Jayden seemed to enjoy it, he would just stare and then once one truck was over he would play and then would stop when the next one started up again. And believe it or not they are't quiet] but Jayden actually fell asleep during it. Its amazing that at home the smallest noise can wake him up but he can fall asleep during a loud truck people with TONZ of people talking and laughing and shouting all around him.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jayden's room is finally done!

A couple pictures of the room before. Yes that is two different color pinks..sorry but it was UGLY

And now some Pictures of his room now! All we gotta do now is move him in!!


So Jayden has now learned to walk. He will be 10 months on Monday but he is already walking. Can i just say a huge handful for mommy now.

In the other room I was vacuuming and Brandon was filming Jayden trying to get a good one of him walking, well as the vacuum turns off its almost perfect timing of him sitting down, almost like his little engines were slowly turning off. Just funny timing.

Some new pics

He is becoming such a smiley guy
He loves to carry everything around in his mouth, we didn't know when we had a kid we got a dog too. LOL
Just one of those funny moments caught on camera

He has shorts on his head, it was just funny, it was squishing his face down and it was just awesome.

It almost looks like he looks all mad, but way too funny to not do it again and again

Box head...enough said. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

8 Months Old!!

I can't believe he's already 8 months old.

Time keeps on flying by, whether I like it or not my baby boy is growing and growing fast. He has mastered the art of crawling normally, sitting up on his own and his new trick he has recently mastered, crawling up on stuff to start to stand and slowing learning to move a little bit, cruising or whatever they call it. Oh joy, even more baby proofing work for me to do now. He's learning things so fast now, He talks constantly, loves blowing spit bubbles and is getting better and better at his belches. Jayden is becomming even a bigger handful, I was hoping he would calm down a little bit, but who am I kidding look at who his daddy is. His daddy never stops.

I was in the kitchen and i heard Jayden giggle (which usually means he's up to no good) well i go in the living room and didn't seem him and got a little worried, well then i looked up and low and behold there he was, standing up. I was kinda sad i didn't get to see him climb up it the first time but still pretty exciting.

Also, We headed to the doctor yesterday to get completely caught up on this immunizations, until he's a year old at least, he was pretty good. Of course he flirted with the two nurses doing the measuring and the weighing. Jayden is already a heart throb. Anyways, He weighed in at over 20 1/2 lbs and 28 inches. He dropped from the 90th percentile to the 75th but doc said since he's so active now his weight will be more stable and won't gain so much like he has been. Whew, relief for me, I'm glad he's slowing down, we can't keep clothes that fit him in stock. So we were in there and apparently he's turning orange, since he's being eating a lot of carrots and sweet potatoes lately they can actually start to change skin color if they eat enough. Rather funny. So he got his shots, cried for literaly 2 seconds and he was done.

He has officially 4 teeth through on the bottom, and 2 almost all the way through on the top and then 2 maybe 4 more still moving in. He hasn't been as grumpy though which is a blessing. He sleeps till 7 in the morning for me and wakes me up with his awesome squeal he does now. Oh the joys of Motherhood. He also is such a little weirdo, he has this thing he does, he gets into a position where it looks like he's trying to do a head stand and then will stay that way and play with a toy, watch you or just kind walk in circles. I was finally able to get a good video in all his glory.


That night we all loaded up and headed to the park for some magnificent fireworks. Even if they are rather puny compared to the big cities, I still love the fireworks. It is hands down my favorite day of the whole year.

Jayden waiting to get fed, as soon as he sees his food, he stays fixated. We were hoping with a full tummy he'd be able to keep focuses on the fireworks. Not so much.

Part of my family, waiting for the Boom Boom display

Jayden loved playing around, watching all the people, watching their fireworks, the grass the whole thing. He never stopped, so once the fireworks started, within 5 minutes he fell asleep. I was amazed he usually doesn't handle loud noises when he's sleeping, but he zonked out and was even snoring. I hope next year he'll be able to appreciate it a little bit more.

Just a couple pictures we caught with our camera. Its pretty cool all the stuff our camera can do.