Saturday, March 28, 2009

Random pics

Ya, so we were bored...actually Brandon just thought it would be funny...i dunno I guess going for the whole achmed terrorist thing.

He seems to love to wear daddies hats.

This is just a funny little brother Tyler tries to claim he doesn't like Jayden and wants nothing to do with him....we got proof. he's actually smiling. Forever we will have proof that at that moment he sorta like his nephew

whenever we would feed Jayden cereal he would just hold his hands like that...that was before he would try to help us. I'm glad i got a few pics with him folding his hands. Since now he's getting more active he doesn't do the cute little things anymore. He's growing up way to fast. Before i know it he'll be walking and talking and ugh...Dating..

Its hard to believe in just a week he'll be 5 months old. Crazy. Well thats our update for now. Not a whole lot has happened but we have a house and crazy boy that thinks he's man of the house..which in a way he is. We love him anyways. He'll be just like his please everyone pray for me...Hhahaha

Our House!

So we finally were able to get our house and we are all moved in, not settled in but moved. we are in the process of getting some painting done. Big project and sometimes hard to do with a 4 month old but its going along. We moved in the beginning of March and are absolutely loving it! Its so nice to have our own bedroom and jayden having his own bedroom. I think we all sleep a little bit better. Jayden seems to be loving it to. He seem to alreayd know he has his own room cuz once we walk it he's usually all smiles. Anyways..I'll post some pictures..,mind you the outside blue wont' always be that ugly me its not pretty. For those of you who like pink sorry, but our pink room is ugly. Make Pepto-bismol look really good. And it will soon be a different color.

The front of the house
(i know duh)

Our living room

Part of the kitchen. Brandon doesn't especially love the green but i do. I shall win.

Jayden's blue room. wont' be blue forever. it'll end up being our office for now.

The ugly pink room.

Our sad little back yard. It definitely needs some TLC but it'll be green again...i hope.

I'd post pics of our bedroom but its messy and in the process fo choosing colors for the walls so it has two random patches of color. once its done and looking good i'll show ya. :)