Well, for an update, and ease of informing people what happened this year already. The middle of January, all 4 of the batty clan came down with something, which knocked us all out for a few days. while the 3 boys bounced back, and started feeling better, Meagan didnt. She was taken to the Clinic, where she was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. after 2 days of treatments, the 3rd day she made a serious turn for the worse. She was taken to the ER in Vernal, where in about 20 minutes, the ER doctor made the call to have her Life Flighted to University of Utah hospital. She left sometime around 6:30 PM on Friday the 17th, and was a very sick lady. The flight team that responded was a Medical/Ob team, one of 4 in the nation. They landed in Salt Lake around 7:30 that night, and she was admitted into ICU. She was kept stable, with little improvment until Saturday, about 5:30, when the resident OB doctor decided that the baby needed to come then. They brought Ivan Dade Batty into the world at 6:26 on 1-18-2014, weighing in at 4lb 1oz, and 16.5 inches long, at an age of 31 weeks. He was put on a ventilator until the sedatives he had recieved while being in mom had worn off, and then was taken off the ventilator not much more than 12 hrs later, and started to breathe on his own without the assistance of oxygen. Meagan immediately started to improve in the oxygen saturation levels in her blood. She was taken back into ICU and kept under sedation until Wednesday the week after, and for several days went back and forth from under sedation to awake. On friday, after getting her pain in check, they cut all sedation, and woke her up. she past a breathing test, which meant she could have the breathing tube and ventilator removed. They removed it, and she started the road to getting out of ICU, she took 2 days of improvments, and she was taken from ICU down to a normal Internal Medicine recovery room. Mind you, she hadnt been awake or able to see Ivan. It took almost another full day before she was given clearance to go and see her brand new baby. She was discharged from University Hospital on Wednesday, 29 of January. Since then, she has proven how driven, and strong she is by making a quick recovery. Her little one, continues to grow, and do all the things that doctors hope all early babies would do. he has grown awesome and started to show interest in a bottle.
I must take a moment, and thank the Batty Family, the Rushton Family, the friends and other relatives, as well as the ward family that we have enjoyed. We are especially thankful for the prayer and fasts that were done for Meagan and the Baby to make a quick and full recovery, and we assure you, that the power of those have been both seen and felt. for all those who have helped, and those who offered help, may I express our deepest graditude for that.
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