Anyways the gist of it all is Korwin was born on May 18, 2011 and 5:04 pm, weighing in at 8lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He was exactly 2 weeks overdue, yes 2 long miserable extra weeks. Since I was over and I was already dialating and such we decided to try being induced again. I was pretty scared thinking it was going to be another 3 day labor but i was very pleasantly surprised. Checked in the hospital at 7 am, was hooked up to all the fun machines and IV with pitocin running by 7:45. Doctor came in a few minutes later and broke my water and told me i was already a 4! Wahoo, i wasn't that far along till day 3 with Jayden, so i was very hopeful about having a baby that night. Well a few hours later Korwin decided he didn't like me so much and they had to yet again sorta refill me with water since it was putting to much stress on him without that extra cushion. Well he wasn't dropping like he was suppose to but i was dilating very well. They thought that the cord was wrapped around him and threw the word 'emergency c-section' out there if his heart-rate didn't steady which terrified me since all morning hubby was by my side expect for that 15 minutes of course, so needless to say i had a teeny freak out. Well they decided to take me off the Pit and see if he would calm down enough, well instead my body decided to kick in overdrive and do it all alone. Apparently all i needed was a little kick to get me going on my own. His heart rate steadied out so they decided to hold out and see if I could do it by myself without surgical intervention. Well around 4 o'clock nice nurse lady came and checked and told me i was ready to Push!!! HOLY Crap I thought, can it really happen that fast. Anyways, she went to go grab the doctor and came back a few minutes later saying he was already delivering a lady a few rooms down and told me not to push and relax. UM HELLO!! pretty sure i wanted to punch her in the face. Fast forward 30 minutes later doctor told me it was my turn and Korwin was born 30 minutes later. So i guess the benefit of them telling me to not push made for a easier labor in the end since he himself was thinking...uh mom...i'm ready to come out, like, 20 minutes ago! The cord was indeed wrapped around his neck but nothing to be alarmed about, he came out wrong side up i guess which made him inhale some fluid, which they said oh don't worry about it we'll suction him out and he'll be fine. Riiiiight. I was able to hold him for a few minutes before they took him to clean and weigh him and all that jazz. I didn't see or hear about him again till close to 7 that next morning. Talk about being a nervous wreck. Brandon would go down the the nursery and saw him and noticed they were doing a chest x-ray and was hooked up to oxygen and had an IV but couldn't find out what was going on.
Long story short, they had to put the IV in to give him food, since they didn't dare let him eat for fear of him inhaling it which would just add to the fluid already in his lungs. The x-ray was to check to make sure his lungs were developed and the oxygen was to help him get the fluids out of his lungs. Well all this went down Wednesday and by Friday he was off the iv, oxygen and was able to eat. Well then the silly poor scored poorly on his Jaundice level and had to be under them blue lights for 24 hours. So yet another day in the hospital. Finally Saturday morning he cleared his jaundice level and food intake to diaper outtake :) and we were out of that hospital by 11 that morning.
Apparently I should just plan on being in the hospital for at least 4 days...good grief. All in all though it was much better experience than what it was with Jayden and are very excited for Korwin to finally be here. So next comes a bit of a picture overload but it is what it is. They aren't loading in order but, i really just don't want to spend forever to fix this is what you get for now.
Don't mind the puffiness, i did after all have a baby 2 days prior...:) |
So glad all went well! Don't you love it when they tell you to wait and not push. Ugh and for me I could feel most of it, therefore the waiting was torture.