Today we went in for Jayden's two month check-up. Can I just say we have a very 'fluffy' baby boy. He weighed in at 13 lbs 14 oz. Almost doubled his birth weight in two months. He grew 2 inches which I already knew that since his Pj's aren't long enough for him already. Besides him getting big, he had to get some of his immunizations. He wasn't too keen on that one. He got two shots in one leg and one in the other leg at the same time. It took him to the point of them putting on his band-aids that he realized

the "ouch factor" he only scream cied for a few minutes, I guess i was pretty smart to give him a bit of Tylenol before we went. But all in all he did awesome and it went a lot smoother than we thought it would.
He's starting to enjoy his belly time and smiles and tries to giggle. He's starting to figure out that he can make noises other than his 'man burps' he's mastered. Overall he is just a super happy baby is doing a good job in making us think we want another one thinking they'll be just like him. (nice wish huh)
He has mastered man burps???!!! Woah!!!! He is sooo your kid!!!!!