Well everyone our little boy finally made his appearance on November 7, 2008. He was born at 3:03 in the afternoon. Was 7 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long. He is a skinny little boy but already has a good set of brown hair on his little head. We named him Jayden Dade Batty. He was well worth the 3 days in the hospital and a good 52 hours of 'labor'. We can't imagine our lives without him now. Seems like he's always been here.
One of the very first pictures of Jayden and us. I know i look super awesome. I was so 'stoned' they gave me a percacet and Ibprofrens for the pain and the epideral was still kinda kicked in. I guess i was pretty funny though being so out of it.
He already has daddy wrapped around his little finger.
This is a picture of him maybe a few hours old. Already a peaceful sleeper. Hooray
He really is so cute, but you need to send me an email telling me about this 55 hour labor of yours!