Friday, April 22, 2011

Playing Catch up.....Sorta

I figured it was about time i stopped being lazy and just did a quick update.  Seeing as in a few weeks my time will become even more limited when our little boy decides to make his debut!  I'm down to just over 2 weeks till my 'due' date.  I'm trying to be patient but i'm just getting to the point of i want to be done.  We have a lot of stuff to do to get ready, but then its just the little stuff.  Need to get all the clothes and bottles washed. Bassinet out and put back together, buy diapers and such and basically get the house cleaned so i wont have to do a lot when he comes.  I"m just freaking out a little bit since i have no idea what a 'real' contraction feels like since with Jayden i was induced and i'm sorry but pitocin contractions just don't compare since i never was given a 'break' between 'contractions'.  Doesn't help that our doctor is in Roosevelt since I refused to go to my last doctor since he scared/forced us into a inducement and then 52 hours of unnecessary labor and blah blah i won't get into detail. Just he won't get my recommendation for a doctor.  So we decided to go to Dr. Nolte and he has been a very pleasant and welcoming change from our last one.  I know, I know what you moms are thinking and wanting to'll definitely know when your in labor, but i just don't want to get what i think are labor pains and then go over and then be sent home for fakies.  That trip from Vernal to Roosevelt will go old and costly very quickly.  On the plus side i'm already further along on the "pre-labor" stuff then i ever was with Jayden after 2 days in the hospital so that keeps me going knowing that my body does in fact know what its doing i just have to play the lovely waiting game.

Well i'm just going to post a bunch of radom pictures from winter sledding trips, Jayden in an adorable little church outfit and some fun at the farm.  So enjoy and have a great day!