Wednesday, June 2, 2010


On May 28, 2010 my little brother was able to graduate from high school. It was really weird to think that my little brother is old enough to be done with high school. It was a good day besides it being super windy. Jayden wasn't exactly keen on keeping still so dad had to take him for a walk, and suprisinly he sat next dad for quite awhile, i had to take a picture to really believe that my crazy non stop child actually could sit still for loner than 10 seconds.

Being his normal silly self

Pretty sure Tyler thinks he's a pretty cool kid, notice the "i'm the cool kid smile"

Congrats little brother!

Just a "few" Pictures

These pictures are seriously out of order but i really don't care since i just don't really know how to do this blogging thing very well and i'm just happy that i got some of them uploaded so either way enjoy.

This is how Jayden loves to watch his movies, usually with a snack in one hand and his sippy in the other. All the same silly little boy.

Memorial Weekend we got with my family and went 4-wheeling and jayden seemed to love it. I think he loved just being outside more.

Jayden Loved helping Dad wash the car

Jayden though it was sooo fun to help daddy wash the car

At one point Jayden got the house and shot daddy right in the face, i wish i could of gotten it on camera but it was hilarious.

A few months ago we bought Jayden this and it has been a HUGE hit. He rides on and makes the Vroom sounds all over! He loved the box it came in as well.

We had gone to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving point and Jayden seemed to have fun...when we were all day and he could run on the big lawn they have out front...

Jayden helping dad make his Golf Ball Cannon

Jayden was able to help dad drvie the truck at Grandma and Grandpa's Farm and He LOVED it.