Consistently inconsistent seems about what my blog updating is. At least I'm consistent about it. Anyway, we are all doing pretty good. We were finally able to sell our trailer. HUGE relief to finally be done with it and it'll be officially gone this comin weekend.
Jayden is 16 months nearly 17 months old and is finally starting to say a few words. Granted he believes he is speaking perfectly every time he "talks" so he tends to get a little impatient when I don't do what he "asked" me to do.
Were slowly trying to figure out exactly how we are going to remodel our kitchen. We are going to lay some flooring, paint our cabinets and re do our counter tops. We are jut in the process of choosing the colors. So when its done there will be some before and after pics for sure. I'm excited to see the final project.
That's all I'm wanting to type for now, not so easy updating on my phone but at least its a small update