Thursday, January 21, 2010


We have been total slackers lately and haven't updated in over two months.  Not a whole lot to brag or update on really, just same old thing for the most part.  We had a great thanksgiving, Jayden wasn't exactly the happiest baby but it was a long day and so couldn't really blame the kid.  
December 1 we celebrated our 3 year anniversary and didn't do anything extravagant but we did go ice skating and went to dinner, couldn't of asked for a better night.  December 14 the hubby became a quarter of a century old, the plus side to him turning 25, car insurance rates go down a bit :).  
We also had an amazing Christmas, we were all spoiled and especially Jayden, but what can ya expect, thats what grandparents do right. He came out with some good loot and was actually a really good boy all day.  I was a loser and didn't really get any pictures but i had my hands full trying to force him to open boxes and stuff.  I really like the idea i was given of spreading out christmas for a week or so for the little ones. That way they can appreciate all the stuff and not get so overwhelmed with the unwrapping and the chaos.  I think i might try that this year. 
We didn't do anything special for new years, expect we sat at home play guess this song/artist and had some sparkling grape juice. :)  all the while Jayden was sound asleep in his room. 

 Jayden is growing and learning by leaps and bounds.  He is sooo stubborn though, he doesn't want to talk, he'll say momma and dadda every once in a while but thats about it, he rather talk to himself than to us.  oh well,  as long as he entertains himself i shouldnt' complain too bad.  At his last Doctors appointment he was at 24 lbs and 32 inches tall.  The Weight has slowed down a bunch but he is starting to get tall  Pretty sure he'll be taller than both of us specially if he keeps going like he is. He is also getting lots of teeth. he is working on all four one year molars, and all 4 of his 'canine teeth'  so needless to say he's been crabby the past month but hopefully its almost over. Me and him just sit at home and play all day and watch silly movies.  I do have to recommend though a cute claymation type of cartoon.  Shaun the Sheep.  There is only 3 dvds i'm aware of but we found them at the library and not only does it entertain Jayden it entertains the grown ups as well. and it has a catchy theme song :)

Brandon is just working away up there at Simplot, He says he still really enjoys his work but i see him wanting to pursue his other love in his welding. :)  He was recently called in to the Priests Quorum as an advisor and he is LOVING it.  he now has an excuse to go and do all them wreckless crazy stuff that them older scouts gets to do, camping, repelling and all that fun stuff.  It sounds like they have a fun year planned ahead and if he has anything to do with they will be spending several days down in Moab or up in the Tetons.  

I am still just staying at home with Jayden which is a chore in itself.  Between re-cleaning the front room, doing dishes, laundry basic housework and making sure a 14 month old boy is staying out of trouble by the time brandon gets home I am Pooped. But the work of the mom is never through, but i love every single moment.  I am still in the Nursery and I love it but i come home Exhausted, but i get to play with other peoples kids, sugar them up and then 2 hours later send thm home :)  Its nice since Jayden gets to go in there with me, and according to the bishop it'll be only a  6 month calling, but i hope its longer than that, so i'll just sit back and not complain.  The nice thing is that jayden is alreayd getting use to all the kids and seems to understand the concept that he isn't the only little kid in the world and is starting to interact with the others.  So, by the time i'm released i won't be so anxious about him being in there.

Well thats a short update of our Batty lives.  I'll try to get some pictures posted but no guarantees so our internet is so iffy. but i will do my best.